The positions of the League of Women Voters of Maryland are adopted after a committee has conducted a study and produced fact sheets and consensus questions. Members in each of the local Leagues meet to discuss and come to consensus on the issue. 

Our adopted positions and some examples of how they have been used can be found in "Study and Action".

For the latest National LWV positions click here.

This is a summary of the positions adopted by our members at the national level. These positions are used by Leagues at the local, state, and federal level.  Click on the topics below to see the detailed positions. 

Table of Contents:


  1. Administration of Justice
  2. Election Process
  3. Ethics
  4. Firearms Safety
  5. Fiscal Policy
  6. Local Government
  7. Redistricting
  8. State Constitution

Natural Resources

  1. Coal
  2. Hazardous Waste Management
  3. Land Use/Growth Management
  4. Solid Waste Management
  5. Transportation
  6. Climate Change

Social Policy

  1. Adult Literacy
  2. Children's Services
  3. Death With Dignity
  4. Domestic Violence
  5. Drug Controlled Substance Abuse
  6. Drunk Driving
  7. Education
  8. Marriage/Civil Union Equality
  9. Health Care
  10. Housing
  11. Meeting Basic Human Needs