LWVMD Policies, Guidelines and Procedures is a reference for LWVMD Board members about how the organization operates. The handbook discusses hands-on “how we do it” aspects of the LWVMD. It also outlines the ethical and philosophical underpinnings that determine the way the League functions. LLs, MALs and Affiliates often use materials from this handbook to pattern their own developing policies, and they are welcome to do so. The PDF version was revised on June 2020; updates may be found using the links below.
Table of Contents:
- Action & Advocacy
- State Program
- Voter Service
- Debates
- Ethics
- Board Procedures
- Arrangements
- Grants/Projects
- Finance
- Investment
- Board Liaisons to Local Leagues
- Communications & Website
- Membership
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Glossary of League Lingo
Abbreviations and Terms
Affiliate: a recognized organization of MALs, aka MAL Unit
Board: Board of the LWVMD
ILO: Inter-League Organization
LL: Local League
LLP: LL President
LWVUS: League of Women Voters of the United States
LWVEF: LWVUS Education Fund
LWVMD: League of Women Voters of Maryland
LWVMDAF: LWVMD Advocacy Fund
MAL: LWVMD member-at-large
MAL Unit: see Affiliate
PMP: Per-Member-Payment
MLD: Leadership and Membership Development