I. The LWVMD sponsors annual and special events that are usually scheduled at the first Board meeting following State Convention or Council.
II. Events are a source of revenue for LWVMD. The event registration fee will be set by the Board at a level sufficient to cover costs and generate income as approved in the budget. A discount will be offered to members and early registrants.
III. The Arrangements Chair is charged with finding locations for the events and enlisting others to help operate them.
IV. Because the LWVMD attempts to spread certain events throughout the State, LLs are asked to identify suitable locations, furnish members to run an event and arrange refreshments, all in collaboration with the Arrangements Chair.
V. Notices to LLs should be in the hands of LL presidents and their newsletter editors at least six weeks before the event via the State Board Letter. The notice should:
A. Clearly explain the scheduled event
B. State the charge as set by the LWVMD Board
C. Provide clear directions to get there
D. Specify the deadline for registration.
VI. The LWVMD office manager compiles a list of those attending that includes;
A. Name
B. Address
C. Telephone and cell phone numbers
D. Email addresses of those attending the event
E. Whether payment has been received
VII. The list is provided to the Arrangements Chair and then to the registrar for each event. Registrars check off participants and collect fees from those who have not paid and from walk-ins.
VIII. The LWVMD Treasurer pays all expenses and reimbursements for events.
IX. Workshops
A. The Arrangements Chair works with LLs to identify suitable locations for workshops. They provide hostesses, registrars and helpers as needed, who may set up rooms for workshops; prepare agreed-upon refreshments including coffee and snacks upon arrival and luncheon. Church groups and retirement communities can be good sources for catering workshops; however, the Arrangements Chair can also arrange prepared lunches from a local source. The LL also arranges cleanup but all is under the supervision of the Arrangements Chair. The LL's manager for the workshop should inspect the premises when the location is determined. This enables her to advise the state Arrangements Chair of the number of signs needed, registration tables and other equipment. The registrar will have to stay at her/his post much of the morning and cannot expect to attend any appreciable portion of the morning workshop.
B. On the day of the workshop, the local chairperson and entire crew should be on the premises at least half an hour before registration begins. Signs should be posted outside to direct people to the correct entrance for registration. There should be a sign, clearly visible, to indicate where people register for which workshop. Another sign should go on the door or the area where the workshop will be held.
C. Workshops generally follow the pattern of registration from 9:30 to 10 a.m., welcome from the LWVMD president at 10 a.m., commencement of two or more workshops simultaneously at approximately 10:15 a.m., conclusion of workshops at 11:45 a.m., luncheon with speaker at noon, and conclusion of the day's event at 1:15 or 1:30 p.m.
D. Cancellation Due to Weather -- When schools are closed in the area where the workshop is scheduled because of inclement weather, the workshop will be rescheduled to the snow date indicated on the League calendar. This information will be on the flyer. In case of a weekend workshop, the decision to cancel will be made by the President in consultation with the Executive Board. The Board will inform LL presidents and other participants by phone when a cancellation is necessary. Notice shall also be placed on the website.
X. State Convention
A. The League holds its Convention biannually in odd-numbered years.
B. The LWVMD Board shall set Convention dates early and the Arrangements Chair shall work with the Board to secure a location.
C. LWVMD Conventions can be staged at universities and colleges throughout the State or at hotels and inns.
D. Conventions generally start on Friday and conclude after lunch on Sunday.
E. Efforts are made to move the convention to different regions. The LLs near the location are enlisted to host the event, including staffing registration, door-keeping during plenary sessions and arranging tours for participants.
F. The host League works with the facility to contract for meals, rooms for delegates, meeting rooms, etc. These items determine the cost basis for the convention.
XI. State Council
A. Council takes place in even-numbered years when the LWVMD has no Convention.
B. It is a one-day event. The board shall determine the date for the Council, which should be completed within a single day.
C. The Arrangements Chair must find a location, preferably fairly central.
D. The LL closest to the site of the Council assists the Arrangements Chair with registration, provides morning coffee and snacks, and arranges lunch. It also enlists members to set up the facility, obtain equipment, and clean up after the meeting.
XII. Legislative Day
A. This event takes place in Annapolis in February or March. The Board shall set the range of dates for Legislative Day at the Board calendar planning session. Those dates shall be submitted to the Senate President's office (through the office of a Senator) at the earliest opportunity.
B. The League often coordinates Legislative Day with other groups but is the primary organizer. Legislative Day traditionally includes:
1. A briefing on the budget
2. Background on League priorities
3. An address by a State official
4. Opportunities to meet with legislators and attend hearings
C. The Arrangements Chair finds a location and contracts for all the activities connected with Legislative Day including luncheon but not the speakers and presenters.
XIII. Lobbying Course
A. May be scheduled on a Saturday in November before Thanksgiving in a non-election years.
B. The Arrangements Chair works with the action chair to arrange the space and the food when an in-person course is offered.
C. Alternatively an on-line lobbying course may be provided for members.