Vote 411
We urgently need to raise money now for the 2024 elections. Every election season, we must buy the online platform for We have to do this before the year is out, and it will cost $6,000 for the platform alone. All Maryland Leagues use this platform to gather the material published in print Voters’ Guides and on In addition, we need to conduct a broad communication strategy to reach as many voters as possible. We enter all the facts into the guide and make it available to every voter in every part of the state, but if people do not know about it, our work will not matter. LWMVD’s mission of empowering voters will be lost.
What does this mean for Maryland voters?
In many communities and for decades, voters have relied on Voters’ Guides published by the League of Women Voters for trusted information about the candidates, ballot questions, and information about when and where to vote. Increasingly, voters, particularly young voters, are turning to, a powerful online tool that offers a “one-stop shop” for all election-related issues. The information is tailored to the voter’s own precinct, making it easy to find just the candidates they will see on their ballot, plus dates for candidate forums, drop-box locations, early voting sites, and links to register.
The League of Women Voters of Maryland can only function because of its donors and supporters. Please consider giving today.
Donations of $80 or above will be acknowledged as “Sponsors of Democracy” in the Voters’ Guide on our website (with your permission).