Action to support an integrated transportation system and mass transit systems which are efficient, safe, clean and accessible. Support for adequate and equitable funding and cooperative regional programs is necessary to achieve these goals. (2002)
Support for:
- Maintaining the solvency of the Transportation Trust Fund.
- Increasing funding for mass transit.
- Developing regional visions and frameworks for transportation which reflect local concerns and which incorporate relevant LWV positions on land use, economic development and environmental protection.
- Achieving and maintaining cooperative working relationships among state and local agencies in order to achieve better planning and to decrease the use of single occupancy vehicles.
- Incentives which promote use of mass transit and other alternative modes of travel.
- Public education to promote transportation goals which would provide alternative travel modes, encourage technological improvements that abate emissions from mobile sources, reduce energy consumption and protect natural resources.
Background: LWVMD had never done a study of transportation until the adoption of one at the 2001 Convention. The occasional actions we have taken on transportation issues have been based on our LWVUS position: "Transportation systems should afford better access to housing and jobs and should also provide energy-efficient and environmentally sound transportation." This position grew out of efforts on behalf of equal opportunity for employment and housing, as well as our 1971 air quality position, and is included with LWVUS positions under “Meeting Basic Human Needs”.
- Supported control of truck diesel emissions and creation of inspection teams to conduct random Roadside test. (1999 – achieved)
- Supported reduction of Vehicle Miles Traveled through increased use of mass transit and other means. (1999 – defeated)
- Supported legislation which lowered the 50% farebox recovery requirement for Mass Transit Administration operations. (2000 – achieved)
- Supported the Governor's legislation and budget which earmarked additional tax revenue specifically to improve public transportation throughout the state. (2001 – achieved)
- Supported legislation which created a Job Access Program for Low-Income Workers. (2001 – achieved)
- Supported the Maryland Clean Cars Act of 2005 that would reduce air pollution from cars and trucks. (2005 – not achieved)
- LWVNCA supported, with reservations, a dedicated use of the sales tax to fund WMATA in order to leverage federal support for Metro (2006 – not achieved)
- Supported legislation requiring public hearings before changes in MTA services in order to improve responsiveness to riders needs. (2006 – not achieved)
- Supported establishment of a advisory council of system riders. (2006 – not achieved)
- Supported the Maryland Clean Cars Act of 2007 (based on LWVUS air quality position) that would reduce air pollution from cars and trucks. (2007 –achieved)
- Supported increase in gas tax to fund transportation infrastructure (2013 - achieved)
- Supported legislation to establish an oversight board to coordinate the many modes of MTA transit in multiple counties (successful 2016)
- Supported legislation to increase the transparency of the evaluation process for large transportation projects (successful 2016)