- An election system that is equitable, accessible, fiscally responsible, accountable and enforceable. (1997 and 2001)
- Mandatory training for all election judges with the state providing basic training instructions.
- A minimum compensation level for election judges set by the state.
- A restructured Maryland State Board of Elections (MSBE) – formerly the State Administrative Board of Election Laws (SABEL).
- giving MSBE legal authority and adequate funding to enforce election laws and regulations;
- giving MSBE legal authority and funding to develop and maintain a centralized, computerized voter registration list and a centralized, computerized campaign finance reporting system;
- staggered terms for members of MSEB;
- a professional administrator hired by MSBE.
- Statewide uniformity of voting registration and registration records.
- a change in Maryland law that would allow any eligible individual to register to vote online and complete the registration process at the polling place. (2013)
- A uniform, simple system for accurate identification of voters at the polls.
- A registration deadline set as close as possible to primary and general elections, consistent with technology that provides ballot security and makes the administration of the deadline cost-effective. (“Ballot security” assures ballot secrecy and prevents fraudulently cast ballots.)
- Provisional ballots, with a strong preference that voters be notified if they are later found not eligible to vote. Provisional ballots allow a voter whose name is not listed on the polling place election register to vote a ballot which is sealed and segregated from regularly cast ballots until the election authority can confirm the voter’s eligibility. They provide ballot security, are convenient for the voter and avoid disenfranchisement of voters due to administrative error.
- Early voting:
- State law should specify a minimum number of early voting days;
- State law should specify that a Saturday and a Sunday be included in early voting days;
- State law should give the State Board of Elections the authority to authorize additional early voting sites when such sites are requested and funded by a local election board.
- Setting a deadline that occurs before early voting begins for write-in candidates to file a certificate of candidacy. (2013)
- Development and maintenance of a permanent absentee list for absentee voters. There was no consensus as to whether the voters on the permanent absentee list should receive an application for an absentee ballot or the absentee ballot. (2014)
- If security issues can be adequately addressed, support for online delivery of absentee ballots to all voters who request such delivery. (2013)
- Study, research and pilot projects to determine the feasibility of Internet voting.
- Assuring voters’ access in the polling place to personally-procured or provided information and materials (e.g. sample ballots, voters’ guide, campaign literature) to assist in marking the ballot. There was no consensus as to the format of materials allowed in the polling places. (2014)
- Requiring that all voting equipment (hardware and software) for use in Maryland should allow alternative ways of casting and counting ballots and be usable for all county and municipal elections. (2014)
- Allowing unaffiliated voters to register for a party any time voter registration is allowed (2018)
- A requirement for uniform voting systems unless funded by the state. (1997)
- Supported bill giving the election administration power to evaluate and certify alternative voting systems for local use. (achieved)
- Spearheaded effort (1973-76) for registration-by-mail in Maryland. (achieved)
- Monitored the use and safety of computerized voting systems. (1988)
- Supported voting rights of first offenders, or those committing a minor crime. (1974, 1978 achieved)
- Acted to extend absentee voting rights for overseas and student voters. (1985)
- Supported the creation of a uniform voter registration form which would be available in state offices and libraries. (1985 – achieved)
- Supported passage of the “State Motor Voter” provisions. (achieved)
- Worked to give greater access to the ballot, particularly for independent and minor party candidates. (A Maryland court decision extended time to gather signatures for nominating petitions)
- Supported legislation allowing voter registration forms to be considered timely if mailed on the deadline date. (1989 – achieved)
- Supported a bill requiring the names of candidates who are unopposed in a primary election to be placed on the ballot. (1991 – achieved)
- Opposed moving the Presidential primary date to the first Tuesday in March. (1991)
- Closely monitored the 1995 Governor’s Task Force to Review the State Election Law and the 1996-97 Commission to Revise the Election Code.
- Supported drawing juror pools from lists of licensed drivers in addition to lists of registered voters. (1995, 1996, 1997 – Local option achieved; 2001 – statewide achieved)
- Testified before the Commission and the General Assembly in support of restructuring the Maryland State Board of Elections. (1997-1998 – achieved);
- Supported provisional ballots. (2001 – achieved)
- Supported statewide voter registry. (2001 – achieved)
- Supported adoption of uniform statewide voting systems if funded by state. (2001 – achieved, with state sharing costs with local jurisdictions)
- Opposed requiring voters to present photo ID or social security number at the polls. (2001, 2005, 2006, 2007 – defeated)
- Supported restoration of voting rights to all convicted felons after completion of sentence and probation. (2002 – achieved, but with restrictions for waiting periods)
- Supported notifying a voter whether his provisional ballot was accepted or rejected. (2002)
- Supported a study of independent voter system verification systems. (2005)
- Supported clarified procedures for provisional ballots. (2002, 2005)
- Supported automatic mailing of absentee ballot application to disabled or elderly citizens. (2005)
- Supported early voting. (2005 – achieved, but vetoed by Governor)
- Supported overriding veto of Early Voting. (achieved 2006, declared unconstitutional by the Court of Appeals)
- Supported absentee ballot voting on demand. (2005 achieved but vetoed by Governor, veto overridden)
- Supported a voting system that provides for dual independent verification. ( 2006 not achieved)
- Supported overriding a veto of an act that would clarify identification requirements, prohibit acts intended to influence voters not to vote, and improve procedures for counting provisional ballots. (2006 – achieved)
- Supported replacing Maryland’s Direct Recording Electronic voting system with an optical scan system. (2007 – achieved but only if funding is authorized in 2009 in time for implementation for 2010 elections)
- Opposed increasing mandates on the State Board of Elections regarding timing of distribution of training manuals, and decision making about local precincts. (2007 – defeated)
- Supported improvements to the provisional ballot process. (2007 – not achieved)
- Supported eliminating all barriers to voting for any felon who has completed a court ordered sentence. (2007 – achieved)
- Supported creating a task force on instant voter registration and voting by mail. (2007 – not achieved)
- Supported a constitutional amendment to authorize early voting. (2007 – passed by legislature, referendum in 2008)
- Opposed reducing the number of days voters have to register before an election and the number of days to turn in an absentee ballot application. (2007 – defeated)
- Opposed mandate on State Board of Elections to create a State Voter Referendum Guide. (2007 – defeated.)
- Supported Early Voting as approved by Constitutional Amendment. Early voting dates will be the second Friday before an election through the Thursday before an election at least one early voting location in each county. (2009 – passed)
- Supported legislation that authorizes the State Board of Elections to operate an online voter
registration system. (achieved - 2011). - Supported legislation (Exchange of Information) that requires state agencies to provide data to the
State Board of Elections that is necessary to maintain an accurate statewide voter registration
list. (achieved - 2011). - Supported same date registration but the legislature failed to enact the legislation. (not achieved -
2011). - Supported legislation that authorizes the State Board of Elections to operate an online voter
registration system. (achieved - 2011). - Supported legislation (Exchange of Information) that requires state agencies to provide data to the
State Board of Elections that is necessary to maintain an accurate statewide voter registration
list. (achieved - 2011). - Supported same date registration but the legislature failed to enact the legislation. (not achieved -
2011). - Supported legislation that authorizes the State Board of Elections to operate an online voter
registration system. (achieved - 2011). - Supported legislation (Exchange of Information) that requires state agencies to provide data to the
State Board of Elections that is necessary to maintain an accurate statewide voter registration
list. (achieved - 2011). - Supported Election Day voter registration. (2012, 2013 not achieved) However, voters can register
and vote during early voting beginning in 2016. - Supported increase in early voting sites and number of days (2013 –achieved)
- Supported automatic voter registration requiring opt-out when interacting with certain government agencies (2018 - achieved)
(2020). Support for:
Vote By Mail (VBM) for elections in Maryland where all registered voters are automatically sent a ballot in the mail without having to request one first, and in-person voting options are available but limited.
The following best practices should be applied to any VBM legislation:
Prepaid postage for return of ballots should be required.
Ballots should be mailed at least three weeks before an election.
Voter Education using all forms of media is essential in preparing voters for the vote by mail process.
Ballots should be tracked throughout the process by means such as the use of barcodes.
Some form of signature privacy should be made available for returning ballots.
Ample drop boxes must be available in all counties and Baltimore City and they must be conveniently located, especially with public transportation access and/or access to rural areas when appropriate. Safety must also be provided for the ballots and the voters.
Ample in-person polling places must be available in all counties and Baltimore City and they must be conveniently located, especially with public transportation access and/or access to rural areas when appropriate. Safety must also be provided for the ballots and the voters.
Vote counting should start before Election Day.
If a signature is missing or required, the voter should have a chance to correct the challenge.
Early opportunities for in-person voting should be continued.
- Initiatives
(2021) Support for:
(1) a change in the Maryland constitution to allow voters the right to petition for a statutory and/or constitutional amendment through the initiative process.
(2) a direct initiative process is the preferred method; however, an indirect initiative process could also be supported.
(3) In preparing enabling legislation, the following practices should be taken into consideration:
(a) Transparency
(b) Single subject
(c) Number and distribution of signatures
(d) Fiscal implications
(e) Oversight of title, summary and constitutionality of the initiative
(f) Higher number of signatures for Constitutional initiative.