I. Voter Service Activities

A. The purpose of Voter Service is to give factual unbiased information with no endorsement or recommendations. Activities to promote or oppose the passage of any ballot question or action on a League position are Program/Action, not Voter Service. This includes action on positions we have on voting rights, such as a change in the election laws.

B. Nonpartisanship: It is particularly important to keep the LWVMD's nonpartisanship policy in mind in Voter Service activities. Such activities must always be carried out in a professional, neutral way so that no favoritism or discrimination is shown any party, faction or candidate. The ground rules must be the same for all candidates in Voters' Guides and in candidates meetings. (Please see Nonpartisanship section.)

II. Distinction between Voter Service and Program activities. These two types of activities must be handled separately and coordinated by different League members. Voter Service materials must not contain League positions and must be distributed separately from materials containing League positions. Informational meetings on ballot issues should not include presentations on League positions. In answer to questions on specific issues, the League position, if any, may be stated.

III. Voters Guides - A complete description of procedures, roles and responsibilities for producing on-line and print Voters' Guides can be seen in the Voters' Guide "How To" Manual.