September 19, 2022 at 1:00pm
2 days
Various Locations
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of #NationalVoterRegistrationDay by making sure you’re #VoteReady for the 2022 Midterms! Below are some NVRD events across the state.
- Public Libraries: Sept. 19th 19-Fairview 1pm to 5pm Sept, 21-Southern Branch 10am -2pm, Sept 24-Prince Frederick 1 pm -5 pm, Sept 29 time 1 pm 5 pm Sept 29-Chesapeake Beach (3:30pm-7:30pm)
- College of Southern Maryland-Sept 20 9 am to 2 pm,Sept 28th, 9 am to 2
- High School-Huntingtown on Sept 21, 10:30m-11:45 am
Washington: All Sept 20th
- Hagerstown Community College’s Fall Welcome Back Lunch, 10 AM - 2 PM
- Robinwood Medical Center Farmers Market, Atrium, 10 AM - 2 PM
- Washington County Free Library, Alice Virginia & David W. Fletcher Branch, 10 AM - 2 PM