The League of Women Voters of the National Capital Area (LWVNCA) is an Inter-League-Organization (ILO). It is one of around twenty in the USA--almost all surrounding a major city. LWVNCA is unique among them since we surround the nation's capital city and have member Leagues situated in nearby portions of two states, Virginia and Maryland.

The LWVDC is obviously at the heart geographically of our ILO. We have a Board that acts as a council. It has an Executive Committee, four Directors and board-ranked Liaisons from each of the local Leagues and the state Leagues of Maryland and of Virginia. Issues of common interest such as transportation and environment propelled the LWVNCA into being several decades ago and continue to promote our healthy collaboration.


The LWVNCA is an active group dedicated to the issues generated by such a large and diverse metropolitan area, such as our very successful Fund it Fix it Campaign for Metro funding. On August 11th, we are hosting a Leadership Summer Workshop for local LWV leaders and members. Join us in sharing our collective knowledge with this great opportunity. It is open to all LWV members and a great way for new members to learn about the LWV. Registration is free, so come out to the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center on August 11th at 9:30 am.


The LWVNCA Board convenes in the LWVUS Board room in DC midday on the first Friday of each month, except August. Feel free to join us!


Andrea Morris Gruhl,

LWVNCA Liaison from LWVMD and LWVHC