While Marylanders stay physically distant to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the critical work and internal operations of the League of Women Voters of Maryland continue unabated.  At a time of unprecedented challenges, the state League is eager to engage members in virtual collaboration and learning as we prepare for the year ahead.

LWVMD Virtual State Council 2020

A century ago, our foremothers won the right to vote. The League of Women Voters was founded to engage women in government, as voters, educators and advocates.  One hundred years later, we are united in our mission to empower voters and defend democracy, yet many obstacles remain.  As we begin the League's second centennial, our success will depend on understanding our changing world, facing our mistakes and working together to create a more perfect democracy.


8:30am - 9:00am - Log Into Zoom Meeting/Zoom Assistance

9:00 am - 9:45 am - Welcome & Business Meeting*

9:45 am - 10:30 am - Getting Out the Vote from Your Home - Trainer, Maggie Bush, Programs & Outreach Director LWVUS

*15 Minute Coffee Break*

10:45 am - 11:30 am - How to Combat Online Election Disinformation - Trainer, Bret Schafer, Media & Digital Disinformation Fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy

11:30 am - 12 pm - Keynote Speaker - Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins

Former LWVUS President & Author of

The Untold Story of Women of Color in the League of Women Voters

Receive a 20% discount code with registration!

NOTE: The LWVMD Virtual State Council will be conducted online via Zoom.  Although you may listen in by telephone, attendance on a computer or smart device is strongly recommended.

*According to the LWVMD bylaws, "The Council shall give guidance to the board on Program, methods of operation and proposed budget.  (For voting purposes) the council shall be composed of the LWVMD board, two representatives from each local League, and one from each MAL unit and inter-League organization.”

Click here to review the Council Workbook.

ALL members are welcome to attend Council and enjoy our excellent speakers!



The general admission price for our Virtual State Council is $10 to cover basic costs for the planning, resources and technology for the event.  

If this fee creates a barrier to admission for you, please contact [email protected] to request a scholarship from the Lois Stoner Fund to cover the ticket cost.

There are several gift ticket levels should you wish to add a contribution to LWVMD to your ticket purchase.  A gift is not required for admission to Council nor does it provide additional features of any kind to Council.

If you are interested in other opportunities to support the work of LWVMD as we head into the next 100 years, please visit https://www.lwvmd.org/make_donation to learn about our funds.


June 06, 2020 at 9:00am - 12pm
Ashley Oleson · · 410-269-0232

Will you come?

This ticket level is to help cover basic costs for the planning, resources and technology for the event - please contact [email protected] if you would like to use the Lois Stoner Fund to cover the price of this ticket.
This gift level ticket includes the $10 General Admission ticket price and provides an additional gift of $10 to support LWVMD's ongoing efforts to support election access, security & information amid the COVID-19 crisis.
This gift level ticket includes the $10 General Admission ticket price and provides an additional gift of $40. LWV's She is Me campaign tells the stories of diverse members who are leading the way into the next 100 years www.lwv.org/sheisme
This gift level ticket includes the $10 General Admission ticket price and provides an additional gift of $90 to support LWVMD's commitment of LWVMD's continuing efforts to educate voters and ensuring access to the ballot box in 2020 and beyond.