March 15th is rapidly approaching. All consensus study reports for our PRIMARY ELECTION study must be in by March 15th. At this point only one local League report has been received. Hopefully your League has scheduled a date for your consensus meeting. All material needed for the study are on the Primary Study webpage here.
If you have completed your study and your report, please submit your report. Completed reports may be sent to [email protected].
Work on the four studies for this year continues with new members still coming forward, which is a good thing. The 2017 Program is currently studying Bail and Corrections, Death with Dignity, Civic Education, and Senior Services. Any member who has interest in any of these topics should contact Melanie Cox. All groups are communicating via conference call versus trying to meet in person which makes it easier to participate. There is much work to be done for all four studies and representation across the State will help to ensure the best studies possible.
Melanie Cox,
LWVMD – Programs
[email protected]