Our League has licensed a domain name for our website. How do I connect it to our site in NationBuilder?
#1 Log into NB and go to Settings in the side menu, then Domains in the top menu.
#2 Click on New domain.
#3 You have the option of having NB or your domain name provider (e.g. Whois or Hostgator) manage your League's domain. Read the information in the blue box to help you decide. NOTE: you can come back later if you change your mind.
#4 Either check or leave blank "NationBuilder should manage this domain."
Click the blue "Add domain" box.
#4A If NB is managing your domain, you'll be taken to this domain settings page.
Log into your League's domain provider to add the six required values. Go to Step #5.
#4B If you choose to have your domain provider manage your domain, you'll be taken to this domain settings page.
#5 After a couple hours, scroll down the domain settings page and check to see whether the Required values and Current values match. Refresh the screen as needed. When they match, follow the instructions in the blue box.
Note the "Remove domain" button at the bottom right. Click this if you want to change your domain manager.
IMPORTANT: If your League has email addresses associated with your domain name and you choose to have NB manage your domain, please see faq_web_domainmail.