In 2015, shortly after the Governor appointed an 11-member Commission to study redistricting and make recommendations for improving the way it’s done in Maryland, the Commissioners traveled around the state to hear from stakeholders.  Listening sessions took place in Towson, Hagerstown, Waldorf, Easton and Laurel.  During legislative hearings, the Commission was criticized for not seeking input from more politically and ethnically diverse population centers.  Therefore, the Commission has scheduled two more hearings for the fall....

The first will in Baltimore City on Monday, September 25th at 1 pm at the University of Baltimore School of Law.  The second will be in the evening in Montgomery County on October 10, the location TBD.

Please mark your calendars so you can come and share your views on the need for redistricting reform.  Or, if you don’t feel like speaking, just show up and wear your Tame the Gerrymander t-shirt (pictured right).

If don’t already have one, click here to order.

Or you can sport a button/sticker that we will have available at the event.

As more details about times and location become available, they will be posted on the calendar on the LWVMD website.

Nancy Soreng

Lwvmd Administrator


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